The candy shop door swung open and he strode in. Patrons gasped and clerks hid under the counter. He put a smoke out with the heel of his boot, pulled another from his leather jacket, and gripped it with his yellowed teeth. “Oh my god,” a woman whispered, “it’s the fifth dentist”
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ME: Can I be someone that has friends?
FBI AGENT: No, it has to be believable.
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Just the three Chinese meal entrees I’m ordering.
Officer: …
Me: I was trying to pamper him!
O: By blow drying his hair?
M: Yes! Like a salon!
O: In the bathtub?!
M: It’s … luxurious
F*** you and the horse you rode in on!
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me: [panicky garbled mumbling]
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(praying for the first time in a long while and trying to be extra flattering to god): sweetheart,
Me: smells good, what’s cooking?
Wife: bacon
Me: *rolls eyes* wHat’s BaKiNg
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My Kids: Close enough
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