Therapist: What’s something you can do to stimulate your mind during this time?
Me: Bank robbery
Therapist: That’s not a crime
Me: I’m out of ideas
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me telling my computer i’ll update everything tomorrow
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My mom must have sent him grocery shopping.
*kidnapping Beyoncé* got your Knowles
Therapist: What is your greatest fear
Me: That Daniel Day Lewis could be playing the role of any person in my life
Therapist: *starts shifting very uncomfortably*
Please say a prayer for my 8 year old son, he has to write 4 sentences.
kissing is all fun and games until a boy inhales your skeleton through your mouth & uses it to build a house for some other girl
Revenge is a dish best served with a laxative that looks like chocolate.
This is the cutest stalk I’ve ever seen. The ear scratching is just the best 😂
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Me: and now turning to slide 23, in conclusion I think we can all agree that this is not the outcome we were hoping for
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“Age is just a number”
…so is your credit score, your weight, the balance in your bank account
Nature Valley granola bar: 42 grams
Crumbs left after eating it: 43 grams
I hate people who are like “drunk words are sober thoughts”.
Drunk me has called 911 because she was “dying from lack of attention”, she can’t be trusted
You big beautiful cup of coffee.
Come here and tell me lies of how much I will tolerate my coworkers and how much I’ll get accomplished today.
Job interview with the NSA
Applicant: Would you like references?
NSA: We have everything we need.
App: You guys!
NSA: I know, right!
HER: Now that we’re in lockdown, we really need to ration our snacks
ME: *sprinkling Oreo crumbs over a log cabin made of Snickers* Yeah definitely
My boyfriend can shower and get ready to go to dinner in 20 minutes. It takes me 20 minutes to get ready to shower.
cover letters are so embarrassing. why am i writing a love letter to this email job
Why are there no bring your friend to work days so that they can see you have a serious job and do serious things for a living
INTERVIEWER: So…that’s it. Any questions for me?
ME: Do boxer dogs actually punch?
I: um no that’s not
ME: I bet they use a puppercut
Hey babies — Trains haven’t gone “choo-choo” for 150 years, get it together.
the UK fascinates me because what sort of place can’t commit to a Prime Minister for three months but remains committed to the idea that fried blood sausage is an acceptable breakfast item for 600 years
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STOP disrespecting my family
my brother is SELFLESS AND KIND
my grandmother is A SAINT
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Me, trying to fit in with friends, who are new parents,
“Wow, your baby does very good babying!”
Starting to think the frog dissection skills I learned in high school are never going to pay off.