There is no life on earth without water.
Because without water, there is no coffee.
And without coffee, I’ll kill you all.
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Did you know, that just by pretending to pee in the shower, you could meet Home Depot’s Chief of Security.
Me: my boyfriend said that he doesn’t love me anymore
Boyfriend: that’s not what I said! I said that I have to work and I can’t give you attention 24/7
Me: same thing
me: can I get a job application
mcdonald’s manager: [handing me one] do you have experience
me: oh yeah I’ve filled out hundreds of these
Spotted in New Orleans.
Sorry if I unfollow you. It’s nothing personal, I just hate the things you say and do, and who you are as a person.
Twitter: Worchest… Worce… Woostishire, haha this word is so hard to spell, am I right?
me: [wondering if i she can tell i lied about my job]
the woman cutting my hair: ocean king sounds stressful
me: it can be
Open an ice cream shop with flavors like “don’t be sad,” “they’re not worth it,” “you deserve better” and see if people don’t flock right in
Me: Can I use it for my socials?
Mugshot Photographer: No.
*walks in with singed eyebrows and an empty gas can*
Friend: The revenge didn’t go as planned, did it?
Me: *grabs chainsaw* Nope.
“I’d like one personal pizza please”
Pizza: Your life’s a mess. You should lose 10 pounds. Call your mother.
“Whoa maybe not that personal”
picking up knife:
picking up knife in movie: *SHING*
Him:You married?
Me:Aww You think I’m that pretty?
H:Ma’am just filling out your pape-
H:I’ll tell the therapist to hurry
Buys a cheap box of wine and parties like it’s $19.99
Lady: Help!! My husband isn’t breathing!
Doctor: LET ME PAST *elbows his way through the crowd* I’ve never seen anyone die before
“We are going to Taiwan”
Juan: No, please don’t!
When my kids wanted candy conversation hearts, my husband explained that they’re seasonal, and my 7yo said, “well the government could force stores to sell them.”
Your move, government.
Toddler: we watch peed her pants
Me: you peed your pants?
Toddler: no PEED HER PANTS
Me: who peed her pants!?
Toddler: we watch PEED HER PANTS!!!
Me: Peter Pan?
Toddler: ya peed her pants
When you watch a movie and two persons kiss when they wake up, are you all awww, or are you a normal person wondering if two bad breaths cancel out?
Wife: Why is there a bouncy castle in the garden?
Me out of breath with no shoes on: I’m not sure.
“how come you never post me?” i only post jokes on here babe and you not a joke to me
Don’t judge me for my 2-year-old having a pacifier in her mouth.
Judge me for not having any idea where this pacifier came from.
I went for a job interview and the manager said, “we’re looking for someone who is responsible.”
“Well that’s me,” I replied. “In my last job, whenever anything went wrong they said I was responsible!”
[Girl’s night out]
Girl 1: Omg I haven’t had sex in so long, I swear I have cobwebs down there
Spider-Man’s GF: *nervous laugh* HAHA SAME
The entire scientific world: The Earth is getting dangerously hotter and threatens our very existence
Dave936 on Twitter: I was 9 in 1976 and I remember it being hot. There’s nothing to worry about, have an ice cream
As it turns out, “harder” is a horrible safe word.
Who called it cryptocurrency instead of “Bits Betta Have My Money”?