This cat wants you to take your pills
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Not sure why I am thinking tonight about our elderly neighbor when I was 7, who had giant bountiful pear trees on his property. One day he stopped by unexpectedly with a bushel of pears, and after my mom, surprised and delighted, had thanked him, he handed her a bill for them.
Me: If you’re going to serve alcohol at a company party, then you shouldn’t act so surprised when someone speaks their mind.
HR: Get out
I told this cashier she kinda looked like Lorde, and as I was walking out, heard the lady behind me assure her she did not look like Jesus.
I’d expect Captain America to be fatter.
Men only want ONE THING and it’s to have a portrait hidden in their attic that becomes ugly and twisted while they remain young and beautiful forever
The one nice thing about your friends’ divorces is no one invites you to them.
Guy on plane:
*hits me in face with coat*
That was me.Me: *turns around*
*pokes him in the eye*
*takes his peanuts*
And that…was me.
Me: sometimes I worry that people think I’m texting during a meeting when I take notes on my phone
My dad: I think people know I’m taking notes because I have a notepad and a pen
We have Life cereal. How is it that some marketing hack hasn’t come up with a cereal for Goths, called Death?
Me: I like sunsets
Son: *squinting* sounds like something a vampire would say
Son: you’re also very pale
FYI, let’s grab coffee is code for “how can I end this conversation as quickly as possible without committing to anything.”
Why is peter pan always flying?
He neverlands.
I like this joke because it never grows old.
I shaved my legs and now my socks keep falling down.
Life is hard.
Adult: If it ain’t broke don’t fix it
Child: If it ain’t breakable, not interested
I get it laundry no one is doing me either
If Twitter has done nothing else, it’s trained me to spell words like diarrhea, gonorrhea & chlamydia without spell check.
“Yeahhhh, that’s the good stuff. Look at that color. Mmmmm, flavor off the charts. You can just serve this raw but I like to add a bit of salt” – guy on The Food Network boiling water
God: you’re a garter snake.
Garter Snake: I’m a snek?
God: no you’re a snake.
Garter Snake: I’m a snek!
God: [sigh] fine you’re a small snek.
Garter Snake:
Garter Snake: I’m a smol snek?
me: well, they sell flower arrangements at the grocery store
florist: I understand your point, we just don’t carry peanut butter
Sometimes in the middle of eating a rotisserie chicken I ask myself “did I just run a red light?”
*lights cigarette
Nah, don’t bother with chloroform. Use Ketamine blow darts. Way more entertaining and you don’t have to catch them.
The smell of fresh cut grass. Freshly overturned dirt. The cold metal of a shovel. The fear in my neighbor’s eyes as he mows his lawn at 7am
Screaming “YOU CANT OUTRUN THIS WE ARE ALL DOOMED!” at passing joggers from my window today
[Airport Bar]
Me: I’ll have a beer, please.
Bartender: That’ll be $45.
Me: Worth it.
Everyone likes rough sex until it’s on an IKEA bunk bed.
The crappy spread on the sandwiches totally ruined the funeral reception I was at yesterday. I told them “I can’t bereave. It’s not butter”.
“I really should buckle down and get my rap album going”
-Me, every time I drink
The scariest part of Psycho is when she gets in the shower and THEN turns it on.