This is exactly how that old gypsy lady said I was going to die.
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Current fitness level: arm is tired from brushing teeth.
*first day working the gas pumps*
Me: ‘Paper or plastic?’
[yard sale]
Cop: We’re here to question you about your neighbor’s missing…is that a gun? We’re going to have to take that.Me: *pulls out sack* Ok but you have to take the lamp with blood on it too. No haggling.
im a cat and i FREaking love turning potential energy into kinetic *pushes glass off table* your going to feed and keep me for some reason
Some days you’re the Titanic, some days you’re the iceberg and some days you’re that guy who hit the propeller on the way down.
[Me watching football on TV]
Oh man this reminds me of high school
Her: you played football in high school?
Me: no, I watched TV
You can lead a horse to water You can leave your horse behind. Cuz your horse don’t dance n if he don’t dance then he ain’t no horse of mine
Strange things: the prequel
Stranger things
2 Stranger 2 Things
Strangest Threengs
Strangfour th4ngs
5tranger Thing5
Stranger Things 6: Tokyo Drift
Coming out of the dressing room at a store…
Me: What do think?
Husband: I like the pants but not the shirt.
Me: But this is my own shirt that I have been wearing all day 😐
Breathe deeply. Relax your shoulders. Unhinge your jaw. Wrap one tentacle around the side of the cruise ship. Pull it to the bottom of the ocean. Repeat.
Our wedding pic looks like my wife’s selfie photo bombed by me.
It’s important to be comfortable in your own skin…
Because, apparently, it’s illegal to wear someone else’s.
[interviewing to be a lifeguard]
me 🎶 I’m too sexy for my shirt 🎶 Too sexy for my shirt 🎶
interviewer: ok, I get it, you keep repeating that. Do you know CPR?
Inflation has gotten so bad, the 7-Eleven changed its name to the 9-Thirteen.
All I do is eat, drink, sleep and tweet.
I’m basically just a more annoying version of a Tamagotchi.
[donating blood]
“You’re looking a little faint. Can I get you a drink?”
“No thanks, I’ve just had like 60 of those strawberry Capri Suns.”
ESPN just did a Top 5 Greatest Comebacks of All Time and there was some guy running with a ball but like literally no mention of Jesus
The most difficult thing you’ll do as a parent is not rearrange the ornaments after the kids put them on the tree.
[the funeral of the writer of the hokey-pokey]
funeral director: why is it taking so long to get him in the coffin?
employee: well every time i put his left leg in…
Corn mazes should just be called maizes from now on
Who called them cat allergies and not meowlergies
63% of Americans can’t locate the Earth on a globe
Though I hear their
Helpless cries
I eat
{at the dentist}
Hygienist: Let’s just have a look
Me, panicking: I’m so sorry! I used all my dental floss to lace my shoes.
Hygienist: Last time you said you were abducted by aliens who wouldn’t let you floss.
After two divorces, I think I’ve found the key to a successful marriage. Don’t marry a cunt.
oh that’s just my emotional support rolled up carpet in the trunk, officer
Interviewer: So, tell me a little about yourself.
Me: I’m very attracted to you right now.
Barney only he’s just a regular T Rex who doesn’t know why he’s been left in charge of young mammals or where their parents are, but he’s a total dad so he’s gonna do it.
When my wife picks a restaraunt that I don’t like, I just say “oh yeah, that’s where that really cute girl works”.
Problem solved.