This is Walter. You just threw bubbles at him and he cannot fathom where you got the audacity. 12/10
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Just why bro?!
It’s like the people in this restroom don’t even want my help unbuttoning their pants.
I’ll bet Charles Manson would’ve made one hell of a used car salesman. If he could talk a bunch of kids into murder, how hard could it be for him to get you into a 97 Camry?
Prince: Rapunzel, let down your hair.
Rapunzel: Hair, you’ll never be beautiful, you’ll always have split ends.
*hair is super let down*
If the government implants a tracking device on me the only useful information they are going to get is how many times I actually pee in a day.
If I were gonna give advice about how to survive leaving your phone at home, it would be this: stare at something else. I chose a weird baby
*rips finished page from adult coloring book*
*puts it on daughter’s toy kitchen fridge*
Tony Hawk, age 6
I get home and realize where my house stood a shark now sits dressed as a house with its mouth open
Shark:[nervously makes house noises]
Got fired from Taco Bell because I was lick-sealing the burritos like a joint.
Guys, don’t panic if you find a sticky note from your wife in the morning with only the word “garbage” on it. It’s probably just trash day.
Me: [watching someone de-bone a fish] How hard could that be
Also me: [starved because I couldn’t open the pressure cooker]
*weigh myself*
*weigh myself on different scales and am two pounds lighter*
Ah these are more accurate…
7:43 pm: I am in an argument with my girlfriend and my anger is justified
7:51 pm: I have just apologized for the Salem Witch Trials
Ladies, have you ever slept with a man because he has a big fish that he caught in his profile picture?
WIFE: Don’t go into the ball pit with the kids. You always lose your keys.
ME: *already in the ball pit* You’re not going to believe this.
God making women: make them sexy and sophisticated but also confusing to operate.
Angel: soooo like an espresso machine?
employer: where do you see yourself in 2 years
me: talking down to people & doing as little as possible
employer, taking notes: okay, so…management
My daughter made me out to be the villain because I wasn’t going to let her eat a stick of butter for breakfast. Like I was saving it just for me
(to my date after each preview at a movie) the actual film will be much longer than that
“Siri, why do I make so many typos?”
SIRI: I found this for ‘how to make Somali tadpoles’
There must be so many advantages to being a president or a king, but I’d wager that the most exciting of all is never having to carry your own house keys.
I have 15,000 pencils, but I don’t remember buying any. Also, I don’t have a pencil sharpener, so none of them work.
My hot pink mouth is wide open for you, sugar.
Donut: ….
i am such a dungeons & dragons guy in theory. but i just don’t have the attention span to make it work. if you invite me, i am gonna show up super excited, name my elf some shit like Hyundai Elantra, and then you’ll never hear from me again
My wife hasn’t touched me since the election. She took Gore’s loss pretty hard.
Tequila bottles should come with a warning label saying “ may cause unexpected child support payments”
Is a guy eating peach halves the equivalent of a chick eating a banana?
Asking for a friend…
…but hurry up, I’m almost to the checker
Academia sounds like a disease. But it’s actually much worse.
My teacher was pointing a ruler at me an said, “There’s an idiot at the end of this ruler!” I got detention after asking which end.