Tip for great hair: Don’t wash it for 17 days. Finally shower. Wait for the compliments to roll in.
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A spider crawled across my leg while I was driving and of course that fucker survived the crash.
My friends are like “don’t settle!” But I can see their husbands
a little girl walked up to me at the grocery store calling me “mommy” and her dad came up behind her and said “no she’s at home why am i not enough” LMAOOOOOOOO
I’ll photoshop my youngest into old pics just to make him stop crying about not being a part of the family before he was born.
I’m not doing the london marathon today but I reckon if I start training now and eat more healthily, next year I should be able to watch a whole one.
If you can’t be with the one you love, love the grilled cheese you’re with.
me: i have an imaginary gf
therapist: u can do better than that
me: i know, it’s just–
therapist: i was talking to her
“Oh babe. All of that is for me?”
-Me, to my laundry basket.
The hardest thing about ghost hunting is cutting its head off so you can mount it on your wall
doctor: what seems to be the problem
me: it seems like u should be telling me
[picking son up from soccer practice]
Me: how was it?
Coach: he did very well
Me: how many goals did you score?
Son: none
Me: right well one of you is a liar then
Derek: You wanna go out again some time?
Stephanie: Sure, name the date!
Derek: Ok, how about ‘Derek & Stephanie 2’
Peanuts are legumes
Cocoa is a fruit
Sugar is a beetConclusion: Snickers is a salad
I don’t tweet about my boss because I don’t wanna be a suspect when he disappears.
Obituaries should have clickbait titles
“It’s amazing the activity you can pick up with a decent telescope [lowers kaleidoscope] absolutely amazing.”
I’m so pro-life,
I believe life begins at erection.
Smart person: I just read Fahrenheit 451
Me, a jerk: in the rest of the world, it’s called Celsius 232.778
Every year tigers kill 150 people: it’s like they’re not even trying; there are billions of us
Practice self-care like Dracula: sleep all day, eat all night & outlive everyone who has ever loved you.
Me: people never seem to remember meeting me.
Therapist: it’s amazing how the brain deals with trauma.
i feel so bad i refunded him
[getting my license]
Me: *points at gas gauge* the car just ate so we have to wait 30 minutes
Instructor: *unclicks seatbelt*
“No pain, no gain!” I scream at myself while bending over to cut my toenails
They need an Olympic event where competitors see how long they can work a dead end job.
me: our son was just arrested for a violent crime
wife: omg battery?
me: about 90% but focus
I just pulled two buckets that were stuck together apart by myself, so someone might want to let the guy that recruits Avengers know.
[christ descends from heaven]
[sees america]
ME[David Attenborough voice] Starting with the outer layers he’ll devour the entire carcass
HER: are you narrating yourself eating lasagna?
Parenting books don’t prepare you for the moment your seven year old asks for Brussels sprouts in his lunchbox