Today my 4 year old son said to me ‘Dad, can you put my shoes on?’
I replied, ‘No, I don’t think they’ll fit me.’
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Her: Dude, back off. You’re totally scaring away all the hot guys checking me out at the gym.
Me: You do realize I’m your boyfriend right?
Lois Lane unexpectedly comes to visit Clark Kent but he can’t find his glasses so he has to stick his face in a pie like Mrs. Doubtfire.
The Secret Service has gone bankrupt. Finally something has happened that Donald Trump has knowledge in handling.
*pronounces UPS like yoops
Can someone please invent pantyhose that don’t rip?
I think everyone in this bank just saw my face.
i do believe that bears are dangerous and anyone who thinks they can get close to one is very stupid. but i also think i am different and the bear would sense my loving spirit
I play videogames for a few hours and World War 3 breaks out wtf
boss: can i see u in my office
me: [putting on camo jacket] i guess we’ll find out
it must be school picture day
Me: *trying to get comfortable on your wicker chair* I wonder if this is what sitting on shredded wheat feels like.
Whoever named the moon did a horrible job, that thing controls our oceans they should’ve tried harder
I’ve got 99 problems, which really bothers me since I’ve also got OCD and I prefer even numbers.
There are 400 billion stars in our galaxy and perhaps two trillion galaxies in total, and I just wonder if Miss Universe fully understands her achievement.
Just passed a guy on the street and said “what’s up?” and he replied “how’s it going?” and then we moved on, feeling cordial but in retrospect leaving both questions unanswered
I love the difference between dog and cat rescue stories. dog owners will be like oh I prepped for months and applied and had a home check then did a foster to adopt trial period and then the rescue chose me! and cat owners are like .. I found him in the trash
I had my arm bandaged all day because I got a large tattoo yesterday. So today coworkers were all, “WHAT HAPPENED?”
My answered ranged from “arm herpes” to “sex swing injury.”
Small ad: Discreet chicken road-crossing service. No questions asked.
We need a dating app where you can just get directly to the point. Like hey, you think I’m cute? Do you wanna abandon society & go live in the mountains so we can train a small army of raccoons to shoplift for us when the apocalypse finally happens? No? Then don’t waste my time.
I wrote a Facebook status asking what’s happening in Young Sheldon and then unfriended everyone who replied.
People will think you know what you’re talking about if you give your opinion while cleaning a pair of reading glasses.
I’m 43 years old and still ask if I’ll need a shot and expect a lollipop every time I go to the doctor.
Facebook: your old HS friend just sent you a friend request
me: cool!
Facebook: she’s racist now
me: uhh
Facebook: everyone on here is
“Are you religious?”
Bro I don’t even believe in myself
My husband was unable to find his coat earlier as he’d accidentally hung it up.
Person: What are you doing?
Me: Looking at owl callers. It’s skunk mating season. I want to discourage them from my yard. Owls are their predators. I COULD use an owl call but it’s also OWL mating season. I could end up with A LOT of owls
P: You win weirdest problem of the day
You know you are Canadian when 0°c and sunny is beautiful warm day…
Never deleting this app.
Dr: your baby is 7mm in length
Me [whispering to wife]: ask him
Wife [sighs]: what is that in fruit sizes?
Every fork at your favorite restaurant has been in 100’s of strangers’ mouths
girls have four moods: famine, pestilence, war, death