Torturer: just tell me what I need know
Torturer: *bites ice cream using his front teeth*
Me: OKAY I’ll talk
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When I eat a rotisserie chicken it scares everyone in the car I’m driving.
sent my boyfriend a post-ambien text last night that said “i’m going to sleep, do you want anything?” proving my subconscious is stupid, but kind
It is easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle than it is to convince somebody online that they are wrong.
Me: Why don’t I have a boyfriend?
God: I sent you one, you dumped him for putting ketchup on his steak.
Me: Ah. That’s right. Gross.
lot of dog owners seem to think their dog has the right of way over me on the sidewalk. nice try buddy i will play chicken with your french bulldog and i will mow him down
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wtf is this choreography 😭😭😭
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To parents entertaining kids during social distancing and quarantine: IF YOU KEEP THEM ALIVE THAT IS SUFFICIENT. Don’t feel guilty if you’re not enriching their souls, teaching them kumihimo & sign language & engaging their spirits. Toss them some fish sticks; they’ll be fine.
She: I think our sex would be off the charts!
Me: You have sex charts?
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ME: hello I’d like to return this body. it’s defective.
GOD: I’m sorry but your warranty has expired
Parenting just means you have to pretend you like to eat fruits and vegetables in front of your kids knowing you’d rather eat a cheeseburger instead.
SIRI, CALL FOR HELP! Searching for kelp. OMGYOU IDIOT! SIRI, GET AN AMBULANCE! There are 23 listings for lap dance in your area.
My heart goes out to all the parents who are about to see how much weight their kids have gained at college during the Thanksgiving break.
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listen kid, i have social media profiles older than you
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i am such a dungeons & dragons guy in theory. but i just don’t have the attention span to make it work. if you invite me, i am gonna show up super excited, name my elf some shit like Hyundai Elantra, and then you’ll never hear from me again
I used to party all night. Now I check the weather forecast for the next day to see if it’s a good laundry day
I didn’t like you in high school, I don’t like you now. #WhyIDontUseFacebook