Mary on Facebook says this generation is way to reliant on technology…
She then sent me 7 Candy Crush invites
Good cop: Just relax
Moody cop: OMG, you again? I hate you, but I kinda misssed you, why don’t you call anymore? You’re going to jail
Some say Obama is the biggest liar of all time..
I say, the person who chose the spelling of, “Colonel” is the biggest liar of all time
Asking your mom, “Will there be any pretty girls coming?”
Is a good way of getting out of going to your family reunion..
You get a green perennial vegetable, you get a green perennial vegetable, EVERYBODY GETS GREEN PERENNIAL VEGETABLES!
– Okra
Hell is where Sarah Palin is president, Taylor Swift is in love with me, and Kim Kardashian names all the children