I’ve waited and prepared my whole life for an end of the world scenario
[gets killed and eaten in the first 10 minutes]
[wearing a negative pressure suit and a space helmet]
Her: Are you really that worried about the virus?
Me: Virus?
If you put a drier sheet in your car’s visor, your car will smell fresh for days
[Looks under visor]
Hey wait a minute this is a slice of ham
Hitting people with a metal yard stick while wearing a “SOCIAL DISTANCING OFFICER” badge is now perfectly legal.
I fit into my fat clothes again thank god I didn’t throw them away
[eating paste]
Here’s what I think…
People say “5 second rule” like that’s a thing. I just ate a piece of Thanksgiving candy off the floor.
I’ve found that women are never, impressed by what guys think will impress them. Also I just ran out of gas doing donuts in the parking lot
There is absolutely nothing to stop your dentist from putting small tracking devices in your mouth. How would you know. You wouldn’t
Cartoons were better when people got anvils dropped on them and accidentally smoked dynamite like cigars.
Attention Wiccans don’t forget to feed your snakes before you go stand around in a graveyard all night tonight
Oh no, we don’t go in there. That room belongs to the spiders.
If you invite me, you invite my xylophone too.
Guys that squirrel is on my patio in the dark dragging his little hand across his throat shit what do I do
My sister’s boyfriend is visiting from England and we’re going to the driving range. What are the English rules of golf. Do I have to fight him or what.