To avoid small talk with neighbors I’ve taken to checking the mail in the middle of the night like some kinda raccoon with bills.
The only spanish I know is from the song Feliz Navidad, so these last few days have been my time to shine.
If I hear people screaming, I always go check on them. Not because I’m nosy or some kind of hero. There might be ice cream.
As I basted the turkey, I swear I heard it say “just not in my hair”
No rule against wearing an old Halloween costume to Thanksgiving. Let your racist uncle talk presidential politics with Donkey from Shrek.
Life isn’t about the moments that take our breath away. That’s asthma. You’re thinking of asthma.
Once you understand they’re unwilling time travelers dropped here moments earlier, the confused actions of squirrels suddenly make sense.
Why hunt for vampires when you can just open a tuxedo shop and have them come to you? Work smarter, not harder.
Joker: You’re endangering a minor
Batman: He’s my partner
Joker: Why’s he in his underwear?
Batman: So we match. Look, this isn’t about me.
[drops capsule in woman’s drink] Maybe when that’s finished, we can get out of here? [green sponge dinosaur grows out of glass] Ready to go?
Where do avocados come from? Uh, well, when a crocodile loves a pear very much…
I swallow at least one note per meal that says “we’re all really proud of you,” in case the person who does my autopsy is having a bad day.
Irish I was a lil bit smaller. Irish I was a leprechaun baller. Irish I had a shamrock & a hat, & endless gold coins in a big black cauldron
Lucy in the Sky with Some Splainin’ to Do.
Mah Dearest Emma,
War on Christmas is hell. This morn, I saw 7 elves stabbed with 1 menorah. I fear this nog soaked yuletide may nevah end.