You sound smart. You some kinda ‘ologist?
Bringing a fitted sheet to a knife fight.
Gonna need a little more blood sugar before I stand on a 6 foot ladder and have both hands involved in wiring.
I’m fat but also mysterious *disappears in cloud of biscuits
It’s Friday after 2, setting automatic replies in outlook to just say “Chimichanga” with no further explanation.
[muffled voice] I love what you’ve done with your trunk.
Thank you for inviting me. Where are the unattended meat trays?
Rage Against the Severely Uncooperative TouchPad On this Dell
Sorry I jumped out from behind the Doritos display at Kroger and started choking you, I’m new to all this roleplay stuff.
Responding to all selfies with “this should work.”
Kinda hungry but my bowels still haven’t figured out what to do about yesterday.
Hi if you have three kids you will either do dishes twice a day or you will buy 3,439 forks.
Sorry I was late, couldn’t stop spelling banana.
“Follow your heart,” as advice, is sort of like “abandon yourself to cognitive bias.”
Chemical wingman