Every morning after I get up, the first thing I do is make my bed.
Tomorrow I’m returning this piece of shit to IKEA.
o/ = Cheering
/o = The Scream
/o/ = Superman
_o_ = Jesus
lol = I surrender, and I’m laughing out loud about it.
If you answer the right answer on a “wrong answer only” post, didn’t you technically follow the instructions?
I’d love this…lol
Would you wear it?
No one:
Me: Is my body still under warranty?
My favorite farside!!
How does one answer this?
If pulled pork is pulled apart, can we call sausages “pushed pork?”
Don’t frighten the programmers!
This avocado wants me to hunt down Han Solo
My math teacher thought it would be fun to use food as props to demonstrate math equations.
Sadly, I got sausages.
I can’t think of a wurst problem!
#HatDadJoke #IWroteThisStinker
Relationship- Significant other
Writer- Significant Author
Round Table- Significant Arthur
Corporations- Significant Auditor
Zookeeper- Significant Otter
Q: How do you stop an astronaut’s baby from crying?
A: You rocket!