If used correctly, Twitter can be used as an antidepressant. Just don’t take it as a suppository.
A fortune cookie told me I’d receive an important message soon.
The message in the bottle told me the fortune cookie was poisoned.
Well excuse me all to hell. I thought you’d be flattered with a mosaic of pictures of you at the gym. No, you don’t need to call the police.
I will be with you always and forever, even during the rough times, until the day we die.
Twitter is an invention created by aliens so we don’t notice the period of time missing when they take us for experimentation.
Customer: Why do you own a hot dog stand when you draw and write?
Me: Wanna buy my book?
Them: No.
Me: That’s why I own a hot dog stand.
Fun thing to say to your neighbors on the first meeting: I love the way your hair smells when you’re sleeping.