<— 30 year old female who STILL snickers when the elevator door opens & the electronic voice says “going down”. Never gets old.
Your french fries are just my french fries on the wrong plate.
Shout out to authentic Indian restaurants that encourage eating using only the hands.
They don’t give a fork.
*eats a bag of chips*
*eats 2 baked potatoes*
*eats a plate of fries*
*eats a plate of mashed potatoes*Being a vegetarian is easy!
First rule of brown girl club: Don’t wear pink & white striped shirts; you’ll look like Neopolitan ice cream.
Always a bridesmaid, never a bride. Because, I’m smarter than my friends.
I only have 4 months left on that mirror I broke in 2005.
Contrary to popular belief, when I call tech support, I don’t know what the Indian dude is saying either.