where there’s a whale there’s a whale
inside you there are two whales, one is a whale, the other is also a whale, as mentioned previously
pov you are seriously underestimating how big whales are
very few whales can do a kickflip but also very few skateboarders could eat 40 million krill in one day, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses
saying “i am bad at this”
-will make you sad
-removes the possibility for improvementsaying “a whale would be impressed by my ability”
-always true because whales don’t even have thumbs and also appreciate effort
-makes you think about whales
most whales are bigger than a strawberry
i wish all
a very
a whale would make a great face mask because no one would be able to get within 100 ft of you
a whale can launch it’s entire body out of the ocean and you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning
sometimes killer whales hunt moose, and if that doesn’t scare and confuse you, it probably should
a whale has no legs and can still jump higher than you