Nice injury you got there. Be a real shame if someone added insult to it.
Telling my car to speak English when a dashboard light comes on.
More professions should have fantasy betting. One sec, babe. Gotta set my fantasy county commissioner lineup,
Props to just stopping in the middle of the grocery aisle. Personally never tried it, but it seems big.
One thing I miss about the pandemic is getting to rip my mask off like I just botched an appendectomy.
A hammock is a terrible place to give or receive bad news.
Don’t cry because it’s over. Cry because you have an extra hour to think about it.
Other than that, Mrs. Gloop, how was the chocolate factory?
No better way for a child to learn how to spell than by having to save a man from hanging to death.
Dating app for hypochondriacs called Twinge.
The fact that we don’t hear the words “free quote” and burst into laughter always amazes me. You aren’t going to charge me to tell me what you’ll charge me? Calm down, Karl Marx.
Nice tots you got there. Be a shame if someone tatered em.
At some point, we need to be conscious of what kind of world we’re leaving behind for our limited edition beanie babies.
Having an exorcism, but only because the demon requested it
Ghost hunting is just an excuse to hang with the fellas in the dark