I hope this email finds you in the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty.
My knight in shining armor comes in liquid form.
“ I got more tattoos than I do friends”
That’s saying a lot since I only have one tattoo.
Nothing is impossible, unless of course you are waiting for the coffee to kick in.
12 was not amused when I made the comment of how good ‘we’ did on candy tonight
Don’t cry because it’s over smile because you had a solid alibi & no one will ever find the body.
I will no longer be calling coffee my addiction because it sounds unhealthy.
This is a whole mood;
That first coffee be like oh you’re awake HA just kidding.
Coffee cause nowadays there’s just too many cameras in the world to get away with anything.
Them: I don’t like you.
All this construction in my area makes me realize how many weapons are just randomly lying around.
I’m not a jealous person, unless of course you have coffee and I don’t.
Stop telling the people you don’t agree with to go to hell or we’re gonna be surrounded by people we don’t like.
Fight club but it’s really just me trying to grab air before I fall on the ice.