What if because of climate change, Nessie is forced to emerge and blend with society and we find out it’s the sweetest, most caring, nurturing creature ever? And all of you a-holes have been calling it ‘monster’ when the monster is really YOU!?
The existence of Tumblr implies the existence of Glss and Coffe Mg
Do citrus fruits grow better in the limelight?
Chutes and Ladders except it’s just me pushing you down the steps cause you said you didn’t want any pizza yet you helped yourself anyway
When aliens make movies with earthlings in them, I wonder what goofy names they give us?
If you listen to 3 or more Sheryl Crow songs, that’s a murder
Anyone have a recipe for chocolate covered strawberries?
WARNING: Ham radios taste nothing like ham!
If I was stuck on Mars and had nothing to eat but potatoes, not sure I’d worry about getting home
If Godzilla invades your town and starts stomping down buildings, the best course of action would probably be to lead him to the Lego store
Gonna put watermelon on my pizza just to start a Twitter uproar
Why was Bezos rocket named Blue Origin and not Shuttlecock?
Still kinda pissed off that Octo-mom only has 2 arms
It’s just like my grandma used to tell me, never teach a monkey martial arts
Finally a chicken taxidermy curiosity for the rest of us!