GPS: turn left onto High Street
Husband: no thanks, I know a longer way.
I may not know much about a lot of things, but this fact I’m sure of:
A smoke detector battery will never go dead during the day.
Just text my husband to tell him he left his phone behind & someone is calling him.
And now someone’s texting him.
The guy at the gym said rest days are really important, so I’ve been resting for 6 years.
I have what CNN is calling ‘snow fatigue’ symptoms include:
Being tired of winter
A sudden desire for spring
Thoughts of murderous rage
There is nothing quite as genuine as hearing from a friend you haven’t seen in forever and finding out she sells Avon now.
CNN needs to reevaluate the use of Breaking News. Perhaps “Latest Speculative News” or “We Really Don’t Know Shit” would work.
CNN call me.