There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who divide everybody into two kinds of people, and those who don’t.
Getting straight “A”s does not guarantee success, but plenty of evidence shows that not getting “A”s doesn’t preclude it.
Don’t know whether to be disturbed or enchanted that the word sesquipedalian is onomatopoetic
Mysteries of #Gravity: Why Bullock’s hair, in otherwise convincing zero-G scenes, did not float freely on her head.
Earth is indeed bipolar, but it’s not a disorder.
Hmm. Nissan Altima TV commercial boasts NASA inspired zero-gravity seats. But if you’re in zero gravity, you don’t need seats
Odd that the silent way to alert performers they should quickly end their act is a gesture to slice your own throat.
A curious tradition — to look at a newborn baby and say to yourself, “Because of your DNA, one day you will rule over me.”
Urge is strong to leave work early on summer Fridays to avoid traffic. Most do it & become the traffic they sought to avoid.
The perennially hyped name “Super Moon” insults the legacy of Superman, Super Volcanoes, Supernovae, and even Super Mario.
Curious that it’s always a female computer voice that calmly announces self-destruct sequences and other violent disasters.