Sometimes you gotta go all Shakespeare on a bitch. Remove thy undergarments hastily, unless ye wisheth me to release seed upon thine eyes.
Am I annoying yet? How about now? Now? Now? Now? How about now? Now? Now? Now? Maybe now? Now? Now? Meow? Meow? Meow? Meow? Meow? Meow?
Sexting is like reading a porn novel written by two lonely people who failed English in high school.
After drinking that much, I just hope whatever I bring back home is some sort of human.
The bartender just threw the bottle of vodka in the air and caught it. Maybe next time it’ll turn into a college degree.
Introducing new iPhone 5 features:
– Patented Ultrablack color technology.
– Siri is less of a cunt.
– Contains 1 mg of Steve Jobs’ ashes.
Cell Phone Manufacturers: We’re gonna release a brand new more advanced model.
Apple: We’re gonna release this shit in White. WHITE.
I’m not an asshole. I’m just a guy who won’t tolerate stupidity unless it’s coming out of the mouth of a naked woman.
Guys, check out this cool trick I learned. Take your upper lip and make it touch your lower lip. Now keep them like that.
> be 28
> mom tells me to get a job
> put on Braveheart face paint
> run into kitchen
> scream FREEDOM
> mom tells me to get a girlfriend
I haven’t read a single History book that explains how Asians got out of their Pokeballs.
Does a sunset actually happen if someone doesn’t take a picture of it and post it on Instagram?
Curiosity should start overthrowing the local government and drilling for oil any minute now.
To do list:
1) Kill the fly in my room.
2) Try to snort multivitamins.
3) Practice Hadouken in mirror.
4) Kill the fly’s loved ones.
*notices it’s not even 8am*
*been tweeting like a boss…*
*…to 5 insomniacs*