Some people have goals based on a summer body; mine revolve entirely around the weight limit of my beach chairs.
Responding to a question from your wife with interpretive dance tends to raise more questions than it answers.
The only thing more satisfying than doing big yard projects yourself is paying someone to do it while you occasionally watch out the window.
Dear check writer in front of me,
I am trying to remember this is how my grandmother would have paid and I would punch anyone who judged my grandma. You are making this harder.
It doesn’t matter how angrily I type in my password. I am still wrong.
Every time I go into the freezer I ritualistically sacrifice at least one piece of ice to the kitchen floor gods.
It turns out the line is longer for the home office bathroom.
The cat knocked over my coffee in the home office this morning and I’ve reported her to HR. In other news, HR has hired my cat.
If my wife thinks I won’t pick a fight in public because the waitress is uncomfortable, well she’s just wrong about that.
At a doctor appointment:
“Step up on the scale”
Jokingly, “Do I have to?”
I mowed the neighbor’s lawn today. He told me he loved me. “In a purely platonic way.” I told him he was the non-alcoholic grandfather I never had.
Q: If everyone jumped off a cliff, would you?
A: I don’t know. If everyone used the same hypothetical question to demonstrate a point, would you?
My emotional support pig is now my therapy bacon.