Husband: Sometimes I think you love the dogs more than you love me.
Me: (awkward silence)
My husband has forbidden me to go to Costco when I’m hungry. I don’t understand. How hard is it to eat 47 rotisserie chickens?
I argue with myself in public so no one talks to me.
No, Grandma; you can’t pull a Basic Instinct for extra potatoes at the retirement home.
[doctor’s office]
Nurse: Can you step on the scale?
Me: Of course.
Nurse: (waiting)
Me: You mean now? Oh hell no!
Me: Should we have macaroni salad or potato salad at the BBQ?
Husband: Can we talk about this when we’re not having sex?
Guard: Ma’am, please don’t touch the statue.
Me: But I’m almost finished painting her toenails.
Husband: *gives me two pancakes*
Me: Hey! These paper plates say they hold up to 2 lbs of food.
Husband: And?
Me: Keep stacking, buddy.
Me: I picked up Oliver from doggy daycare.(talking to dog) I’d never forget you. No I wouldn’t.
Husband: Did you pick up the kids from your mom’s house?
Me: …Kids?
I don’t understand what someone gets out of arguing with a complete stranger.
Fight with your family like the rest of us.
*crying and eating cookie dough ice cream*
HUSBAND: Did you have a bad day?
ME: No. Why?
ME: Honey.
ME: Honey.
ME: Honey!
ME: Yesterday was leg day and I can’t get off the toilet.
Got my ponytail stuck in the paper shredder again.
*cancels haircut appt*
Friend: Don’t you love these new yoga pants? They come with a little pocket for your phone.
Me: Your phone? *quietly stuffs cookies back in pocket*
*holding a hose*
Husband: What are you doing?
Me: I’m spraying anyone who steps on our property.
Husband: Isn’t your family coming over?
Me: *grins* In 7 minutes.