none of the animals i designed and invented are at the zoo. do they even check the suggestion box
i have been told spending the night in this haunted house will grant me immunity from being pranked or fooled on the april fool day
4k tvs? no thanks i only need one
hello secretary? i need you to go to that website where you can combine pokemon and combine mew and squirtle, print it out and bring it here
no matter what the government says no one can stop you from eating the bugs you find in your garden
a bunch of us teens are going out to the forest to burn a piece of paper that says ‘responsibilities’ on it. for symbolism
why dont they ever have plagues of endangered animals, like a plague of panda bears. oh no our entire bamboo crop is gone haha
heres my To Do List – become the new kfc colonel, mess with texas, invent a new animal just to piss off scientists
i got you a candy necklace for a present but then something happened so i got you this string instead
bought a box of 100 crickets from the pet store and released them back into the ocean were they belong