Using the phrase “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” only shows that you’re unoriginal and know nothing about spinal cord injuries.
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[alternate universe]
Aladdin: 🎵 The Exact Same World🎵
“Dayyuuuum Giiiiirrrl… Did you fall from Heaven?”
*pokes body with stick*
Me: A bird just flew in the building.
CW: That means someone’s gonna die!
Me: *grabs letter opener
Me: I don’t make the rules Karen
I wear my heart on my sleeve, my kidney on my pants, help I don’t think this surgeon is licensed
Do ducks feel sad?
No, they feel “down”cast.
Me: “I’d like to return this lube because it doesn’t work right”
Walmart associate: “Ma’am, that’s hand sanitizer”
Person behind me: “I’ll take it!”
Best translation fail. The arabic spells out a transliteration of ‘meat ball’ in English – which sounds like ‘mayit baul’, or Dead Paul.
Me: Is the natural state of the soul quiet or chaos?
Taco Bell cashier: Look buddy, it’s transient, shifting like water
My favorite farside!!
One does not simply become a master of karate. First, you must accidentally walk into a spider web.
I don’t like to say something is “strong enough to kill a horse” because I have horses and I’ve had to call a vet twice because a horse “swallowed hay wrong.”
The surgeon who worked on my shoulder said it should feel better in a week to seven days, which makes me worry.
Squirrels don’t hibernate in the winter they just get angry.
My kid’s insults to each other:
“you have fat lips like Momma.”
“well, you have a big butt like Momma.
Thanks, kids.
I think the least the government could do right now is cancel calories, do they even understand how much cheese is needed daily to eat one’s feelings
Marriage advice from my Dad: “Leaps of faith are part of every relationship. I go to sleep every night long before your Mom does, trusting that she will not steal my Peanut Chews.”
🎶It’s like 10,000 steps when all you need is a nap🎶
Cardinal: Ordinations are down
Pope: Maybe a recruiting poster?
C: Slogan?
P: “We separate the men from the boys!”
C: Um… Any other ideas?
no show does a misunderstanding/miscommunication plot better than modern family does 😭
Personal trainer: And how much weight are you looking to lose?
Me: *googling weight limit for bouncy castles* Hold on…
Russian computer: “Enter password”
Me: “Beef stew”
Russian computer: “Password not stroganoff”
GalileoGalileo, Galileo Galileo, Galileo Figaro
I would offer to wisk you away on a forbidden, sin filled vacation, but I just paid for an airport mixed drink instead…
U-HAUL, may I help you?
“You have any moving boxes?”
No all our boxes stay still
“Well you better go- wait what?”
Stop calling here, Dad
If a man remembers your birthday, saves your pictures and knows your family & friends and shares your memories,
it’s not any man……
It’s Mark Zuckerberg
me: looks like I don’t have to plant any mint, it grew back on its own
mint: yep, you don’t have to worry about me
second mint: me neither!
me: I don’t remember planting you
third mint: sup fellas how we doin
When you try to be humble and say it’s no big deal and they agree with you😭.
It’s the remix to ignition,
I’m a terrible magician,
I cut your grandma in half,
And now my rabbit is missing.
Me: Aww, a bear!
Bear: You’re being audited by the IRS.
Me: Oh no, a bad news bear.