WAITER:What would you like?
ME:What would YOU like?
W:Excuse me?
M:No one ever asks you, do they?
W:*tearing up* No.. they don’t. Thank you.
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[first date]
date: i’m an optimist
me: wow i’ve never met a transformer before
My husband changed his brand of boxers for the first time in 35 years. I feel like I’m having an affair.
Me: What’s your favourite book?
Her: Well, I love 1984
Me: Ok, but just choose one.
Just found out we’re not supposed to root for the chest burster in Alien??
He is literally A BABY!
I’m sorry I’d rather support an innocent child than a mining conglomerate.
Guys…. Women aren’t hard….. And if they are… They aren’t Women.
People who talk to themselves are more intelligent then those who don’t, or at least that’s what I like to tell myself.
My youngest kid’s description of the “bestest burger” is just bun.
Nothing but bun.
Not even a patty.
Just the bun.Bread.
The kid likes bread.
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ME: Mostly cholesterol.
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Me: *picks nose*
Plastic Surgeon: excellent choice
HER: I love Game Of Thrones
ME(trying to impress her): I slept with my sister
doctors won’t tell you this but reattaching a limb isn’t that hard what’s hard is getting it to stay after it’s had a taste of freedom
[preparing for a date]
me: what if she kisses me
roommate: you kiss her back, bro
me: ok
me: *thinking* but why her back though
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subway sandwich artist: please, sir, i have a family.
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*cold weather sext
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Elephant: wow I’m huge, what do I eat?
God: peanuts
Elephant: what?
God: *remembering Mr. Peanut breaking up with him over text*
God: all of them
The worlds largest aircraft prototype is called the Air Lander 10. The helium pumped hybrid aircraft consists of an airplane, airship and helicopter built all in one.
LOL, Investigation Discovery, for assuming your victim was murdered at night just because she’s wearing pajamas.
99 ninety nine
88 eighty eight
77 seventy seven
66 sixty six
55 fifty five
44 forty four
33 thirty three
22 twenty two
11 tenty one
Better to have loved & lost than to have never loved at all; but if going spelunking was your idea, you should at least *try* to find her.
*Sees couple arguing in store*
*Discreetly drops a pregnancy test into the cart*
When the executioner asks me what my final words are I’m just going to start filibustering.
Me: *Eating Swedish Fish*
Alexander Skarsgård: OH NO, MY KOI POND!
If Keanu Reeves was marooned on an island by a pirate captain with a loaded musket and a loaf of bread, he’d definitely shoot the bread.
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Priest: “We are gathered here today to mourn the passing of-
*looks at the casket suspiciously*
Erwin Schrödinger.”
Theres plenty of fish in the sea. Theres loads of trash at the dump. Theres tons of bones in a skeleton. Bugs are everywhere.