Walking my dog in his Halloween outfit and a woman walking the other way asked, “Is that a costume?”
I guess I never realized how realistic his shark costume is.
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ME: [trying to impress] my mom thinks i’m in bed
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Cashier: the machine is down
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Me, looks at my usual shopping: Huh? Oh yes, panic buyers. *shakes fist*
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Necessity is the mother of Invention.
And there are also lots of other people in my family with stupid names.
sorry for the inconvenience but the park will be closing for one hour because we accidentally made one of the dinosaurs too big
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Okay, that made me chuckle 😂
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Me: give me all the brisket you have
Food truck attendant: jesus I’m driving 80, how are you still holding on
“I’m sorry, it’s too late in the series run to introduce a major character.” – me, meeting anyone new.
I’d be safe working at Boeing (I’m not blowing anything these days)
[War in Heaven]
Lucifer: You must choose a side.
Me: Can I get Mac n’ Cheese?
1998: stop playing pokemon and go outside
2016: stop playing pokemon and come inside
*sends love letter to boyfriend*
*awaits his reply by mailbox everyday*
*receives text with 👍*
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Oh wow. It’s so big. Size really does matter. I love it so much.
~my new handbag