walmart: why do u want to work here?
me: it’s easier to steal if the employees trust me
walmart: why would u tell us that
me: *slowly taking their pen* to build trust
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I’ve got 2 brilliant plans to help me retire early. Plan A is to win the lottery tonight & if that fails plan B is to win the lottery tomorrow. Should be a piece of piss.
“Everything hurts and I’m always exhausted.”
WebMD: Parenthood
[commercial for tupperware]
Are you done with that food, but would rather throw it away in 3 weeks rather than right now?
– Tupperware
Co-worker: “If you love something, set it free, if it comes back it’s yours to k..”
Wife: any ideas for dinner this week and don’t you dare say hot dogs
Me: frankfurters
I love wikipedia
I don’t get the uproar over guns made with 3D printers. I mean how would anyone get a potential victim to put those glasses on anyway?
Due to rising costs, Old McDonald had to sell his farm.
E-I-E-I-Owes a lot of money.
My horoscope said I will soon find the man of my dreams. I thought, “I’ve been married 25yrs,” then I thought, “But I’ll keep an open mind.”
The horror of touching the spoon on the bin when disposing of a tea bag.
Another spoon will now be on stirring duty. A pure spoon.
I asked two Uber drivers to pick each other up and am watching them chase each other in circles around my block until they run out of gas.
Spent the day helping out on my son’s Kindergarten field trip.
Teachers should make a minimum of $6 million per year.
I need a fifth of Wild Turkey, some meth, three sticks of dynamite and a Bible. I’ll explain later.
I’m pretty sure I could “watch this” for 24 hours straight without blinking and my 7yo still wouldn’t be satisfied.
I’m aging like an avocado. By the time I finally noticed my prime it was too late.
Me: So I’ll see you Friday?
Friend: I can’t wait!
Kurt Cobain did not die for you to wear his t-shirt to an Imagine Dragons concert
Husband: what’s on your mind babe
Me: that someone made up dinosaur sounds without actually hearing them
My son, sleepwalking, came into my room and said “Can you get the trash out of my bed?” So I went to his room and showed him there’s no trash and he said, exasperated, “Why would there be trash in my bed?” then laid down and went back to sleep.
That about sums up motherhood.
I’m sorry for dropping a glitter bomb in the baptismal pool at church tomorrow.
*wife is out of town*
Do I dare leave the toilet seat up?
*looks around and shrugs*
Screw it. This is my house.
*falls into toilet at 3AM*
Don’t forget to hug your friends. They might be hiding a burrito from you, so get a good feel
Last week I made dinner for my husband’s boss and his wife. As a thank you, they sent me a gift certificate for cooking lessons!
[Commercial for condoms]
*a baby cries*
Me, to the judging parents at the beach: RED VINE! She wants another licorice!!
Like I’d ever share my wine with her.
By the end of shelter at home, my house will be spotless. Oh sure, I’ll be drunk and confused, but so will the germs.
My 7yo, as we drive past the tennis courts near his school: “that’s where all the old grandpas yell at each other.”
People commenting on celebrities posting makeup-free selfies: “Empowering queen!”
Me, posting a makeup-free selfie: “Rough night? Need a hug?”
I read that the average Thanksgiving dinner for 10 people this year will cost around $58. I can only imagine they must be figuring the 10 people will be small children and the only thing they’ll be eating is the dinner rolls