Want to get rid of your husband without killing him?
Just send him to the grocery store & ask for pine nuts.
Mine has been gone 6 years.
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Me: *staring at leftovers* I think I’ll save the rest of this for later.
[10 mins later]
Also me: I guess this is later enough.
ME: *doing crossword* What’s another word for upside-down?
WIFE: Inverted?
ME: No, in English Sharon.
Me: [in Airplane Mode] Don’t call me
Me: [in Airplane! Mode] Don’t call me Shirley
Having teenage boys over for the weekend is a great way to clean out the kitchen. It’s like hiring goats to mow the lawn.
I bet Lance Armstrong is smugly saying “at least I didn’t kill anybody” to like every person he sees today.
(second date)
me: [eager to show off new tattoo] remember how you said you liked garlic bread
4: Mommy, I need a snack
Me: Perfect timing! I was just going to make you a hot dog for dinner!
4: No. I don’t want dinner. I want a snackkkkk.
Me: How about a hot dog as a snack?
I’m always disappointed when I board a plane and there’s no handsome man running after me to stop me. Thanks, hollywood.
Instead of walking faster when someone holds a door open for me, I slow down to test their door holding resolve.
Getting to watch kids discover “firsts” is really amazing, like when the 3yo announced his toy was doing a handstand with his feet
The one nice thing about your friends’ divorces is no one invites you to them.
ME: We’re all out of beef
CHEF: In that case, I need you to grill the chicken
ME [rolling sleeves up] you think that little shit knows something?
Astrology isn’t real. Oh wait- I share a birthday with Lizzie Borden? Okay, that checks out.
If you’ve ever watched a butcher wrap pork chops, you’ve seen me wrapping Christmas presents.
I predict the next world war will be artificial intelligence versus genuine stupidity.
I don’t get laid on Saturdays. The last two words were unnecessary.
Cop: Know why I pulled u over?
Me: Know why I pulled u over
C: Stop that
M: Stop that
C: Wanna go to jail?
M: Wanna go to jail?
C: No.. errr
[at the mechanic]
mechanic: what is the problem
me: my car
Was late to my first Fight Club last night so missed the intro rules. Still, Fight Club was brilliant and I’d highly recommend Fight Club.
JOSEPH: oh thank god you’re here
MARY: did you bring the diapers blankets and formula
WISE MAN: no i brought myrrh
If you love someone, give them a possum in a box. Then you’ll know how they react in a panic and you might change your mind.
My time has come.
I wonder who thought it was a good idea to put dart boards in bars.
Salad is the decaf of food.
When I was little and asked Mom how to spell a word she’d hand me a dictionary so when she asked how to do emojis I handed her a 13-year-old
I bought some milk over the weekend and also picked a new JavaScript framework to use.
At least one of these will be out of date before the week’s up.
11 year old: Daddy, I heard a new song called Bohemian Raspberry, do you know it?
my son needs help with his math project so i did what any good parent would do. i slipped out the back door and started a new life in costa rica
Taurus: Resist temptation in all its forms, but especially in the form of a pie sitting under a crate propped up by a stick with a string tied to it.
Me: Ok kids, vacation time!!
Kids: Yay!
M: See you in a week!
*slams door*Kids: …