[Watching the sunset over Paris]
BF: My darling *goes down on one knee*
BF: THIS is how I proposed to my last girlfriend
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It always starts out “you’re so funny” and ends with “oh dear… oh my god… wtf”
My husband hates pickles so much he put consuming them in front of him as a dillbreaker in our pre-nup
I tried to twerk and have spent most of the afternoon stuffing my waistline back into my shorts.
A museum guard accused me of trying to steal a 4,000-year-old papyrus but I explained that my skin just gets like that in the winter.
Strip search? Fine but I’m going to need some music.
Accidentally dialed 911 so I set my neighbor’s house on fire so I wouldn’t look stupid.
My mom registered to see me speak at an academic conference at Yale, and under “affiliation” on the form she wrote “Sarah’s mom” 😂
Teen, watching the halftime show: WOW. How old are these people?
[GF comes home to find our son alone]
Where are you? I said to watch him like a hawk!
ME: [soaring 20m above w/ a beakful of mice] I AM
[Catholic church]
*priest hands out “What To Expect At Your Exorcism”Husband: Babe, this isn’t counseling
Me: You said you’d try anything
It’s strange that watching paint dry is considered boring but going to an art gallery is considered interesting. That’s just watching paint that’s already dry.
I just put the 4K Fireplace for Your Home on Netflix and my ma told me to turn it off because she’ll get too warm
Help, I lost my voice. Is there an app that will yell at my kids for me?
Her: You say you’ve directed shorts before?
When I say “I’m open to feedback” I mean “I accept compliments.”
A brightly-colored van drives slowly down our street. Kids gather excitedly. It is the Edible Arrangements truck. We are all betrayed.
Van Gone
Walking around cemeteries looking at headstones is a great way to come up with baby names.
Life hack: If you throw an old toilet and some spare tires in your front lawn, legally you don’t have to mow it
The First Rule of Menopause Club:
We don’t talk PERIOD.
Calm down shouty man. I didn’t “tell” my toddler to throw chicken nuggets at joggers. She did it herself.
If we only could have known that nap time in Kindergarten was the best life/work balance we would ever achieve.
I thought I Kuwait but
then I Saudi Turkey
and my Bahrain was like
Oman I Israel Hungary
so Iran.
I deal with my problems in the order they were received.
Right now they’re all on hold listening to crappy music.
Magician: *pulls a rabbit out of a hat and makes doves appear from a handkerchief*
Zookeeper: And the penguin in your backpack. Hand it over.
This South Beach diet is BRUTAL. I can only eat a sensible face for breakfast, a sensible face for lunch, then just CELERY for dinner.
It doesn’t come up often in the movie, but one weapon we have against Predator is a handful of glitter
Breath escapes my broken body. I collapse amid dark, icy spears of pain. The fight’s done. It’s over.
GYM INSTRUCTOR: You’ve done 9 seconds