We can’t afford a Trump presidency. The money spent alone on hundreds of new White House door knobs for his wee-baby hands would bankrupt us
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My husband bought me jewelry for Valentine’s day. He doesn’t know it yet, but that was still nice of him.
John Hammond: *proudly* We spared no expense
Me: Your security team is literally one Australian dude in short shorts
I overheard my neighbor say, “she has SO MANY pigeons in her yard,” but I couldn’t tell if she was impressed or concerned.
[At the Rumble]
her *aggressively taking off earrings and heels*
me *desperately trying to find somewhere to set down my ice cream cone*
google sheets just froze up (for everyone) on a call and i said guys i think we all just got laid off
people do NOT like that joke
DR: Your cholesterol is high. What have you been eating?
ME: Mostly cholesterol.
me: “youre serving Blue Curacao? so its a boy! congrats man!”
friend: “for the third time, this is not a gender reveal party and please stop drinking the Windex. i think it is causing permanent damage”
me: “so, have you picked any names yet?”
I refuse to use the self-checkout isle at a store. What I will do is occasionally post up at the exit and ask to check shoppers receipts. If I’m gonna work at your store for free, I’m picking my own position.
Pot warmers of the day.
Ultracrepidarianism is the habit of giving opinions & advice on matters outside one’s knowledge or competence.
Or, as I call it, tweeting.
love black friday. not buying anything, just wanted to go apeshit in a target
I learned most of what I know about dropping pianos on people from cartoons.
Spaghetti, because you didn’t like that shirt anyways
“No thanks, I filled up on breadsticks.” – Eve to the Serpent in the Olive Garden of Eden
culinary school students be like “bruh i got spaghetti due at midnight 😰”
We were making out on the couch and She’s like “Let’s take this upstairs” I’m like “Ok you grab one side and I’ll grab the other!”
This is still funny.
nurse: *hands me a urine specimen cup* the bathroom’s over there
nurse: it’s empty
me: i didn’t need it, there was a toilet
Everyone’s gangsta till you’re waiting on your dog to poop.
wow my top song this year was my upset tummy sounding like a car driving on gravel
Me: “I wish I was super hot…”
Menopause: “I got you, boo.”
The Macarena began playing through the dental office speakers as I lied helpless with the hygienist’s hands in my mouth today. #survivor
My parents waited way too long to tell me about Santa and the Easter Bunny. I was so mad I got in my car & drove away.
Dear Britain,
This Brexit vote is all wrong
If you want to leave the EU, dump some tea in the harbor and fight a war.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, we’re still well below my average.
REPORTER: How do you feel after serving 6 months under house arrest?
ME: I did not realize that had started.
Your tweets are so boring the NSA just unfollowed you.
We love taking our boys to adventure parks. It’s a great way to spend $800 to listen to them complain about the weather and about how much they hate to stand in line.
I want my tombstone to say “Actually, i’m feeling much better”
Historians: so we’re gonna name this war the 80 years war
Me: so that means it lasted 80 years right
Historians: you FOOL. you utter buffoon. You ignorant being
It’s an unspoken rule on garbage day that pajamaed neighbors pretend not to see each other.