we’re gonna need another temp
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My dentist can do it all, from a simple cleaning to identifying my charred remains
Checkmate, Flat Earthers
Rookie mistake: taking your gummies after you brush your teefs.
*a solitary gunshot*
“Mommy why does Santa’s handwriting look like the tooth fairy’s handwriting?”
My prompt email replies are 10% due to me being a diligent employee, and 90% due to the crippling OCD that compels me to clear my inbox.
Doing word problems as a kid as helped me in adulthood. “Dan doesn’t have enough money for his bills, how long before he is homeless?”
I admire the guy who named duct tape. He was a marketing genius. He knew naming it abduct tape would be more accurate, but a harder sell.
Cop: This is a ticket for drunk and disorderly behavior.
Me: Can I have another? I’d like to bring a guest.
I’ve been turning my clocks back a minute per day for the last 59 days so this shit is going to be smooth sailing for me, suckers.
Someday a baby’s first words will be “Please take this Ramones shirt off of me, I don’t like their music and this shirt implies that I’m a fan”
Scientist: we’ve finally taught a dog Morse Code
Dog: [taps paw]
Me: what did it say?
Scientist: “woof”
When I eat nachos, I like leave one last chip alive so he can tell the story.
A time machine. But just to go back and eat the donuts I once refused.
Not wasting my time reading anything an author puts in parenthesis. If it’s not good enough for the main text I don’t need it
When I face a minor setback
me: I had some friends over for dinner, but they didn’t like the tacos I made
him: oh no, did you overreact-
me: no, I just threw them out
him: oh
me: then I ate the tacos
*space aliens land on earth*
these humans seem fairly intelligent…
*they log onto facebook*
…who need to be destroyed immediately
Me: Sit.
Dog: (confused dog look)
Me: Stay!
Dog: (continues packing suitcase)
Asked my gf to buy me a 2-pack of socks and she came back with these wtf
Getting closure is important.
*lies on bed to zip up jeans*
Don’t worry there’s only 60 more days of January
You know I’m something of a chef myself
I’m the hottest thing these people at the cataract surgery center have ever seen.
I’m sorry, this suitcase is overweight. You’re gonna have to take some stuff out and put it in a different bag so the plane doesn’t crash.
You can’t believe it’s autumn already? Please stop expressing surprise at the linear nature of time. The correct emotion is disappointment.
If you like to fall asleep in bed but wake up on the floor, owning satin sheets might be for you.
“Hi I’m here to interview for the branch manager position.”
“We’re only hiring tree trimmers.”
“That’s exactly what I just said.”
To provide better customer service, we’ve put a chat bot on our site to make sure you’re hung in an infinite loop without solving the problem, buried our phone number, & staffed our phone lines with people who follow a notebook flow chart before dropping your call