When my goldfish starts acting like a jerk I remind him that his bowl is microwave-safe
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If you had a gaming PC in prison, can you imagine how good you’d get
I bet cats are pissed they can’t sit on televisions anymore.
A wet beach towel will dry in about 30 minutes in the sun or 36 weeks in a hotel room.
For the well-being of our marriage, my wife and I have separate Amazon accounts.
Guy at the Supermarket: Excuse me sir, do you want to donate to Diabetes?
Me: No, thank you. I’m opposed to Diabetes.
Jefferson)How do we gain our independence from England?
Washington)Let’s blow shit up
Jefferson)Great! How do we celebrate if we win
Washington)Let’s blow shit up
Jefferson)I like it
*first date*
Me: *don’t be weird don’t be weird don’t be weird*
“OHMYGOD I have an app that can show us what our kids will look like.”
me: you mind if I go to the bathroom?
date: yeah sure
me: thanks, I prefer to eat in private
Every vote counts! Unless you forget to post your I voted sticker on Facebook, those ballots get thrown into an incinerator.
when someone else makes a typo: lmao. you wanna eat lumch? look at this idiot. gonna eat a samdwich for lumch? lumch boy wants his lumch
when i make a typo: hello is this the witness protection program
Me: *pets dog*
Dog: Ruff
Me: *pets dog*
Dog: Ruff
Me: *pets dog*
Dog: Dude, I said your hands are ruff; can’t you moisturize?
There’s really no cooler place to wear sunglasses than in a submarine.
me: check out that beach body
other forensic detective: stop calling it that
No more eating spaghetti while driving and this time I mean it.
How powerful must it feel for the dentist to start referring to your teeth by their secret “numbers” to the hygienist
Thank you, baby Jesus for helping my favorite sports team instead of saving people from a tsunami. You must really love baseball.
Tom Holland’s nemesis is Jerry Amsterdam
So i said to Arnie “Where did you get those toilet rolls??”
He said “Aisle B, Back.”
Sometimes you need to give someone a second chance, those are the times there are no stairs around to push them down
i am:
⚪️ a man
⚪️ a woman
🔘 at a family get togetherlooking for:
⚪️ men
⚪️ women
🔘 a way out
The man in front of me is buying a pregnancy test. I bet this is the one time in his life, he wishes she sent him for tampons.
you ever be washing a spoon and it wash u back?
I’d get into a lesbian relationship just to mooch my girlfriend’s hair care products.
My teenage son says that fanny packs are back in style at his high school. I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT MY ENTIRE LIFE!
Is there any way to tell a woman she has nice skin without her thinking you want to turn her into a jacket, especially one who really would make a nice jacket?
Toddler misbehaves, but follows it up with throwing his hands in the air and yelling “Ta-da!” so he won’t get in trouble.
Stealing it.
More red dots please
When I can’t find my car keys, I’m grateful for the most helpful suggestions like “Where did you last leave them?” and “They’ll turn up”.
It’s fun finding love notes my wife hides around the house, it would be even better if they were for me