When people post about their 5 year olds, they’re talking about wine right?
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Just opened my water bill and my electricity bill at the same time…
I was shocked.
If a person talks at you for more than 7 minutes straight without pause in a “conversation,” you should be able to go into screen saver mode.
I’ve just seen a girl post a selfie with her dead grandma on facebook and thousands have commented “rip”. Stop the internet, I wanna get off
It’s amazing that a microscopic sperm colliding with a microscopic egg could create something so stupid
[God making humans]
*watches YouTube video*
“Okay, got it!”
If you think it’s impossible to be late for work when you work from home, we probably can’t be friends.
Alexa give me one million dollars I know you have it
don’t do it sharon, it’s a trap
impressing strangers by telling them i drive a Nissan Easy Bake Oven
I’m one of those people you see on Christmas Eve running around doing their last minute present shopping at the petrol station. Luckily my family really love petrol.
Thinking about the time I told my husband, “I kinda wanna domesticate a raccoon” and he sincerely sighed and said, “I know, I worry about that”
Dad’s in for a hip replacement tomorrow. I’ve told mum to chat up the old dudes in the coffee room whose wives are in for similar just incase and she didn’t see the funny side and now I’m out of the will.
Not muting your mic is the new reply all
Happy Passive Aggressive day! Don’t worry, I didn’t want you to get me anything anyway. No, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.
Me: *does activity with the kids*
Kids: mummy this is so boring can we watch tvHusband: *does same activity with the kids the next day*
*doorbell rings*
me: go away I’m social distancing
voice: pizza delivery
me: *opens door*
COVID19: hehe, got’em
*Knocks down spider web*
Spider: Rude
*Hangs up spider web Halloween decorations*
Spider: Unbelievable
My friend got fired and his boss emailed him to ask about some stuff. He responded by offering a daily consulting rate of 4x his previous salary. LOL
The east coast is experiencing a “Snowpocalypse” or as Canada calls it “Monday”
“none of your ridiculous drink recipes tonight, ok dan?”
I promise
*stuffing flatbread into blender* WHO WANTS A PITA COLADA
[god making pugs]
What if a football had asthma?
When I was a kid my mom didn’t really stop me for doing dangerous things she would just repeat over and over “if you’re going to be dumb, you have to be tough.” I think about this as an old man often while doing dumb things
I’m sorry but did they sacrifice a human sized pop tart on live tv or was that a fever dream
Dog 1: Help me with this crossword clue. Outer covering of a tree. 4 letters.
Dog 2: woof?
Dog 1: You’re not even trying.
Wife: wtf is this pile of clothes doing on the floor?
Me: I struck down a Jedi.
W: god I hate you.
M: yes, use your hate
Yoda telling a girl she can join the school marching band
March, April May
a pod of orcas just destroyed my skateboard
Remember when Tarantino released that movie and there wasn’t a single dog or reservoir and we all just accepted it
bully: [grabs journal] what’s this? “tweet ideas”?
me: hey give that back 🙁
[he opens it and the only entry reads “hobo is short for homeless boneless”]