Why did they call it a fake Rolex and not a Fauxlex send tweet
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LADY AT COSTUME PARTY: ooh, I love Garfield!
ME (in a lovingly hand-tailored Hobbes costume): *starts weeping* haha yeah i hate mondays
“I wouldn’t touch you with a thirty nine and a half foot pole”
-Families making Christmas plans in 2020
To think, just 30 years ago, I would have to yank the phone off the wall, and bring it to the bathroom to drop it in the toilet.
Me: Will you marry me?
Girlfriend: No.
Hot air balloon pilot: It takes me about an hour to land this thing so this is now awkward.
ME: This is my parrot. I call him a repeat offender lol
DATE: Haha, because you say something & he says it back to
ME: He’s murdered 7 people
superman accidentally arriving a thousand years too early
man: is that a bird?
Me: So you were stuck in Limbo? What was that like?
Spirit: Not too bad, really. It was better than that time I got stuck in a conga line.
Gemini: Sometimes you are your own worst enemy. Not today though. Today it is Jeff.
Haters will say my strike wasn’t valid just because I bowled it with a rotisserie chicken.
DATE: …so that’s how I ended up at Harvard Law!
ME: Sometimes I make a fruit salad in my mouth by biting into different kinds of fruit LOL
Gang initiations from the Midwest be like “you have to eat the entire potato salad”
When it’s my time, I need one of you to promise me you’ll put a motion detector on my headstone that yells out “ouch you’re stepping on my foot,” to anyone who gets close. Please and thank you.
Him: When will she be coming around the mountain?
Me: When she comes
Him: I know but when
Me: When she comes dude
Him: That’s not a time
Me: I’m going off of the information I have
Him: Do you know the horses she has?
Me: Yes six white horses
Him: See how do you know that
I’m getting tired of always having to slowly raise my hand every time someone angrily asks, “Who does something like that?!”
Birthdays were invented by big wax corporations to sell more candles with numbers on them.
Coffee so hot you pretend not to notice it when you’re out with your wife.
Everyone seems so happy for you until they realize your baby carrier is just filled with mozzarella sticks.
Me, flirting😏
A dog walks into a bar. Then a bank. Then the dry cleaners. This is a dog world. Way to be productive, dog. Try to do the bar last next time
Cartoons falsely taught me to expect encountering an unimaginable amount of anvils in my day to day life
The neighbor has a sign next to the sidewalk under his tree reading, “Caution, this tree has a history of dropping branches.” A “history”? Does this tree have a rap sheet? Is he a bad influence on my trees?
(10:00 am)
*adjusts lawn chair, sits down, opens highly anticipated new book, settles in comfortably for a long read*(10:02 am)
*already chasing after a pretty butterfly*
To catch chlamydia, you have to think like chlamydia.
We’ve got some ground rules in this house bro. if there’s a sock on the doorknob it means im trippin balls and think the door is a big foot
For sale: $300 King size mattress & box spring, 6 mo old, Never had sex on it, not even once. IDK ask her.
COP: Know why I stopped you?
“Drag racing?”
COP: Nope.
COP: Definitely not.
“Cuz I’m on a unicycle?”
COP: That’s the one.
she has a smile full of sesame seeds
date: I like to try new foods
me: then you’re gonna love this place *motioning to waiter* NEWER CHIPS AND SALSA, GOOD SIR
[returns from Costco]
“Honey you didn’t get stuff we don’t need, did you?”
“Of course not babe”
*stands in front of 12-pack of garage doors*