Why doesn’t Popeye’s serve spinach?
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Parenting tip: From day one never cut a crust off a sandwich; your kids won’t know there’s any other way. Stay lazy, my friends.
A dating app for people who suck at flirting called Fumble
I remember when rollercoasters were fun, not a daily emotional existence.
John Hammond: We’ve got miles of electrified fence to keep the dinosaurs in and the guests safe
Me: Awesome so there’s no chance one disgruntled employee could disable them all with minimal effort right?
John Hammond: Haha what
If I won the Mega Millions jackpot, I would pay my kids to be quiet for 5 minutes.
*pulls motorist over*
COP: Are you high?
MAN: If I were high would you look like a breathing tree?
*one leaf silently falls from cop*
no one:
my cat: look, i am 56 years old and i used to be homeless so i think i’m entitled to eat just a little plastic,
Apparently this was on a digital highway sign in Tennessee yesterday 😎
Me: *nudges wife* Hey, are you sleeping?
Wife: *pumps shotgun*
Dispatcher: 911. What’s your emergency?
Me: Help! I’m being held hostage in a downtown office building!
D: By who?
Me: This really angry man! 1460 Maple Avenue. Please hurry! He’s making me DO THINGS!
D: OK. Please stay on the line.
Me: I can’t. My coffee break’s almost over!
Instead of using the same password everywhere, I use multiple variations of the same password where I replace one letter with a special character or number, add extra letters and so on
This is super secure and protects all my accounts from ever being logged into by ME……😂😂
At my age, my passwords are protected by amnesia.
We’ll just have to agree to disagree is my favorite way of saying “you’re an idiot but I’m tired”
Spanish Government: Anything further to report?
Shakira: No.
Shakira’s hips: YES!
[backstage at a concert] hey guys you mind signing this?
[next day at car dealership] rascal flatts is your cosigner?
MESSENGER: sire, a peasant named humpty dumpty fell off a wall
KING: send all my horses and men to put him back together
QUEEN: should we not just send a doctor
KING: no send all the horses and men
ADVISOR: my liege, the castle will be defenseless
KING: all of them i said
Me: You’re cleaning out the basement?
Her: Yes I am decluttering my life. I have a new rule: If I haven’t used it in 3 months, I’m getting rid of it.
Me: I guess I’ll be packing my bags then.
ME: [ties a persons shoes together and then runs away] Haha
PERSON: [puts on worlds fastest potato sack racer hat]
ME: Oh no shit shit shit
[guy who’s about to invent urinals]
*peeing* i hate having privacy
5: mom, are you a grown up?
me: I’m pretty sure I am. why?
5: so you’re not some kids stacked on top of each other? is Beatrice in there?
Some nice person with absolutely no issues of their own dm’d me and asked how I sleep at night being such a “bloodsucking piece of sh*t divorce attorney” and I said, “like a baby on 1000 thread count sheets.”
I’m finally getting the professional help I need for my origami addiction.
I’ll let you know how it all unfolds.
[Confessional Booth]
Me: My favorite sins are sins of the flesh.
Me: Why are you yelling? And gluttony, gluttony is a close 2nd.
Gas station lines at 2 am:
Eating Doritos is fun, but there’s always that one that gets in your mouth and decides it’s not gonna die without putting up a fight, so it stands up and pokes you in the gums.
I got hooked on Italian food in high school after my dealer sold me a bag of oregano.
Safety inspector: I found two major issues with your Death Star. For one thing, there are no railings.
Grand Moff Tarkin: We believe railings would detract from the austerity of our bottomless chasms.
Safety inspector: That brings us to my second issue…
I see you have a meat smoker, but no wife. I will find you a sturdy woman in return for brisket.
Jesus: Behold my powers.
*walks onto water and falls in*[back in heaven]
Angel: HAHAHAHA “behold my powers”
Yoga? No thank you. I’ll download an app to my phone so I don’t have to stretch for the remote.