Wife: “If I die first, I want you to remarry.”
Me: “Wow. Do you really hate me that much?”
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This was a terrible day, I’m having live grenades for dinner.
Amazing statistic. The new U2 album is the most deleted record in history.
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Is it the “S” or the “C?”
“How do u kno the deceased?”
I was his drug dealer.
“Louder for the tape?”
[leans in]
I was his rug feeler. Tested his rugs.
Marriage and prison are pretty much the same except in prison. sex with multiple partners is guilt free.
How to calm a crying baby:
1. Pick it up.
2. Ok, so when it turns like 5 you can put it back down. Good luck.
No thank you, I don’t need a coaster. I won’t be putting my drink down.
I’m going to use colored chalk for your outline.
Husband: …
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I like going to the cemetery early in the morning because, if you’re calm and patient, the skeletons will approach and even eat right out of your hand.
[me getting caught in a lie at a party] I didnt say he owned one I said he worked there
[guy putting his drink down] no no you said your uncle owned a KFC
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Should my wife be taking this long to finish the corn maze she entered on Halloween?
I had a really, really bad pizza stomachache once, so I don’t want to hear your whine stories about labor pain, ladies.
lawyer: hey can you fax that over to me?
Me: sorry we don’t do fax where I am
lawyer: where are you?
me: 2018
[snowman rings doorbell]
Pardon me, but I overheard someone say something about a “snow blower” and was wondering where I might find one.
Cats spend two thirds of their lives sleeping, and the other third making viral videos.
I got robbed last night but in the best way possible: I was pickpocketed which means I didn’t even have to talk to the person who robbed me.
If you haven’t told your kids that wine is made out of whiny children then congratulations I guess you’re a better parent than me.
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Optimus Regular will save us in 3-5 days and he’s a lot cheaper, i’m fine with that
6 said he isn’t sleeping in his room cause the tooth fairy sounds creepy but he left the tooth cuz he needs the money.
-No DNA test needed
I could have been a monk but I missed my chants
*gloating* I just broke the internet
Narrator: He dropped the WiFi router.
The date was going horribly until I brought out my tambourine.
married sext…
him: I’ll be home soon
her: don’t you threaten me
I’m going to start using Twitter like Google, because I need answers to tough questions.
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“Always bring a nail file, scissors, tweezers, a corkscrew, a toothpick and a bottle opener to a knife fight.” — The Swiss Army
*knuckle tats*
( S | H | H | H) ( H | H | H | H )
(I’m a librarian)