“You promise you didn’t get me bees again”
[me from a distance] just open it
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[working in garage]
“Hand me a screwdriver, son”
A flat one?
[mixes vodka and Orange Crush] Here ya go
Wife: Please don’t tell any of your “jokes” at my work party. You’re gonna look like an idiot.
Been living in Texas for over a decade and have never been invited to a shindig, orgy, hoedown, hootenanny, or anything
is he attractive or did he just reply to your message with full sentences in a timely manner
I write fake chores on my to-do list just to scribble them out, then my husband thinks I do more.
Just once I’d like to yell, “Don’t you know who I am?!” because I’m important, not because I’m drunk and actually forgot.
My girlfriend lives over 200 miles away serving life in prison and she just killed her cell mate, 3 guards, broke out and held an Uber driver at gun point for a 4 hour drive just to come see me for an hour. IF THEY WANNA SEE YOU THEY’LL MAKE THE EFFORT
I don’t know what base that was, but thank you TSA.
“Daddy, what’s for breakfast?”
“Its 5am. Anything you can reach”
I promised you nothing and I’m a man who lives up to his promises.
Every morning I have to check my shoes for scorpions. We don’t have scorpions in Illinois people just hate me.
until I had kids I had no idea that it was possible for someone to drink water with such ferocity
Interior design 👌
wife: Why are there little handprints all over the wall?
me [whispers] Why are there little handprints all over the wall?
toddler [whispers] Because I have small hands
me: Because he has small hands
Eddie Murphy at the premiere of Purple Rain, 1984.
Me: I’m here for a good time, not a long time.
Climate Change: Actually, you’re here for neither.
Remember, don’t stoop to their level. If someone is murdering you, tell them their knife is cool and they’re good at stabbing. Be nice
Life is like a box of condoms. If you don’t use one, you never know what you’re goin get.
Just because I’m Irish doesn’t mean I am always drunk. It means I always want to be.
acceptable thing to do with cpr dummy: learn how to save a life
unacceptable thing to do with a cpr dummy: learn how to create a life
My 4 year old daughter is in the tub screaming song requests at Alexa like a drunk divorcee
Please stop sending me sexy photos of yourselves, ladies. You’re distracting me while I try to read this book on reverse psychology.
As the best book lists of 2021 drop
woman on a first date: [pointing to her plate] i don’t think i ordered this.
her date, who comes from a dimension where they only talk like foghorn leghorn: this waiter, i say, this waiter’s about as sharp as a sack of wet mice.
Shout out to everyone who cooks at 180°C for 20 minutes, no matter what the instructions say.
If horror movies have taught me anything it’s that you can build a house on an Indian burial ground & yet still be haunted by white people.
Wife: We need to talk
Me, absolutely panicking: What
Wife: We need to start buying the big jars of peanut butter
ADHD is being excited to have a looming deadline because it means it’s actually going to be easy to start your work today.